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A Deep Dive into FunnelStory's Website Redesign Strategy

Trial visibility the way your sales team wants it

In the evolving landscape of B2B decision-making, where online research outpaces engagement with sales teams, go-to-market leaders face a crucial challenge: maximizing limited buyer interactions. Recognizing a critical gap in data visibility during product trials, exacerbated by the post-pandemic surge in digital interactions, FunnelStory emerges as a solution.

Positioned as the key to the future of B2B sales, FunnelStory's platform addresses the challenge by providing comprehensive visibility, intelligence, and insights. This enables leaders to adeptly gather, analyze, and leverage product and conversational data, gaining a competitive edge to pinpoint ideal buyers, expedite deals, reduce churn, and surpass revenue targets.

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we provide

Web redesign

Our team designed an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface, backed by detailed user research to ensure optimal usability.

Mobile web redesign

Reducing the amount of content on the mobile version of the website to prioritize the most important information for mobile users..

Web Development

We developed a robust and responsive website that enhanced the user experience and interaction.

Iconography and illustrations

Through tailored animations, custom illustrations, and unique iconography, we added a layer of visual storytelling that resonated with the brand.

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Dark Purple


Primary Purple




Purple Mist


Purple Shadow




Challenges sought a more effective way to convey its offerings to diverse audiences, each with unique needs and goals.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of B2B sales, success is tied to data-driven strategies. Go-to-market leaders excelling in gathering, analyzing, and leveraging product and conversational data will secure a competitive advantage. This proficiency enables precise buyer targeting, accelerated deal closures, reduced customer churn, and surpassing revenue targets.

Enter – the platform provides the elusive visibility, intelligence, and answers you've been searching for, ushering in a new era of strategic B2B engagement

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A Bespoke Website for Unmatched Flexibility and User-Friendly Navigation

To overcome challenges, FunnelStory and Brucira teamed up to create an impactful solution. We crafted a standout website to clearly communicate our innovation, delivering a unique online experience in the crowded digital landscape. This collaboration showcases a blend of expertise, resulting in a platform that exceeds expectations.

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In approaching the design, we focused on creating a user-centric experience for the FunnelStory website. Our design prioritizes clarity and impact to effectively communicate the innovation. The layout is thoughtfully crafted to navigate seamlessly, ensuring visitors easily grasp the product's value. Aesthetic elements are purposefully chosen to stand out in the crowded digital landscape, providing a unique and memorable online experience. The collaboration between FunnelStory and Brucira is evident in every design choice, reflecting a commitment to excellence.

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Creating Eye-Catching Design Assets for FunnelStory's Online Presence

In designing visual assets for FunnelStory, our goal is to captivate and engage. Each element is thoughtfully crafted to enhance the brand's digital presence, ensuring a visually striking and memorable experience. From graphics to layout, every detail is geared towards making an impact, effectively conveying the essence of FunnelStory's innovation. This commitment to compelling design reflects our dedication to creating an engaging and visually appealing online platform.


The newly launched FunnelStory website boasts a clean, focused, and user-centric design, significantly amplifying the brand's market presence. With its modern branding and intuitive interface, FunnelStory now not only inspires trust but also adeptly communicates its superior offerings, setting a fresh benchmark in the industry.

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